Wednesday 23 July 2014

Kalau tadi kita udah bahas tentang peraturan Indonesia pump fest, sekarang kita bakal bahas peraturan IPF ( International Pump Festival 2014 ) ! Sumber dari Official Facebook Page IST.


Dalam setiap kategori, akan menggunakan level / syarat berikut:

Babak 16 Besar --> Random Single 17-19
Babak 6 Besar --> Random Single over 20 (IPF ROUND)
Babak 6 Besar --> Random Double over 23(IPF ROUND)
(penggunaan bar adalah opsional)

Babak 16 Besar --> Random Single 14-16
Babak 6 Besar --> Random Single 17-19 (IPF ROUND)
Babak 6 Besar -->Random Double 20-22 (IPF ROUND)

SPEED ADVANCE / FFA: ** Optional **
Babak Penyisihan --> Single 8-10
Babak 8 Besar --> Single 11-13

- Babak Pertama ( Lagu Bebas - No Thema^^ ).
- Babak Kedua ( Lagu Fiesta 2 )

Setelah babak kualifikasi selesai, setiap negara akan mengetahui 6 pemain teratas dari masing2 kategori. kecuali Freestyle 6 - 8 besar

Mereka yg selanjutnya akan mewakili negaranya di babak internasional di kancah International Pump Festival 2014 ini.


Babak International Pump Fest 5th - 10 Agustus 2014

IPF rounds:
Those are two extrarounds that will be played by the selected players with the following levels:

17-19 Single
20-22 Double

Over 20 Single
Over 23 Double

These songs will besorted and provided through the Facebook Group where all the representatives of each country will be informed at the same time.

Once the rounds are cleared in each country they must send this information of the results to the other countries so everything will be transparent and clear so every country may know the best 6 players of every country (it is recommended to take videos during the international rounds)

A qualification sheetwill be provided to be used during this IPF just for the countries having this category during their event

Judgment method:
Everycountry must upload the first 6 places, and they will be given a deadline of 48hours to do it, that way every judge can watch the choreographies and be able to qualify each one of them by watching the videos, once is done qualifying he must upload the results to the facebook group, so that way we all may know the top 6 places in the worldwide ranking

General Rules:
During the IPF rounds the rules used will be the ones used in the past WPF 2011, because since they were rules used during a worldwide tournament it suit us best during this global event as well

Note: all the Speed rounds will sort previously using Random Channel

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